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UMusic Moments Festival

Initial Research and Ideation 

From the Universal Music brief I was provided values and understanding of the music festival, individuality, connectivity and uniqueness.  I looked upon the previous branding for this festival, which had a similar theme utilising gradient and visuals of the roundhouse in each poster. The main value of the brief was excitement, this was my key to my branding by bringing a refreshing new stylistic visual to represent the festival.
With my representation decided I was asked to create a new name for the festival. My main inspiration is the celebration of being together and being in one event to share an experience as a whole. This lead me on the theme moments. The festival is one night where everyone can meet and enjoy, so I wanted the festival to present the idea of "being in the moment." This led to me to the renaming the festival: UMusic Moments Festival.

Developing the Theme

UMusic UK wanted to ensure each individual to be represented in the branding, I thought this was quite fitting especially for how diverse music is, and music's ability to bring one another together and share connections. I decided a simplistic but best way to represent the music staff is simply with music. I took photo of various musical instruments from various genres to ensure inclusion.
I decided on a bright and grungy style to bring excitement and refreshment. 
I experimented  with colours and various layouts with layers, oversetting text and images to create unique but cohesive visuals. I created the typography through experimentation to provide movement and incorporate the expression that music can provide.

Developing the Branding 

" Promote the festival as a chance for individuals all in that work to be together as one and make new connections and strengthen the bond of Universal Music UK "





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